This test will be Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011.
Remember that Spanish builds on previously learned information. You should review seasons, months, etc. from the Para Empezar chapter.
The test will be written in Spanish. The infinitive vocabulary is basic. At this point you should know that nadar = to swim.
Example- En el invierno me gusta nadar. Cierto o Falso
The correct answer is F b/c invierno means winter.
You should know that an infinitive is the basic, unconjugated form of a verb, and there are 3 types of infinitives-ar, -er, -ir. In English infinitives are to + verb.
You need to know how to agree with what someone likes and agree with what someone dislikes. (Me too in the positive and negative sense.)
Look at the culture notes for this chapter and p47 for a list of the skills you need for this chapter.